there is absolutely nothing saccharine about spring's obsession with neutrals. and these two beauties from marc jacobs and pringle of scotland, respectively, are no exception. yes, the SS2010 marc jacobs cardigan is girly, but its charming swiss cheese effect gives it a witty edge. take a closer look at the stitch here. it's enough to send me to my vogue stitchionary to find something comparable. any ideas?
not since the much-imitated cashmere yoke sweater from the AW2007 collection has a pringle sweater inflated so many goosebumps. i'm not quite sure what's going on with the shoulder treatment, but i definitely like it. it gives this classic ladylike cardigan a kicky twist. the edging is a very cool touch that is the knitwear equivalent to alexander wang's messy side braid.
i love how these images are styled and photographed with soft colors and lighting. note how the entire palette is pale and monochromatic, save for the pop of color on the model's lips. that's a good trick for making neutrals anything but detached. stick to one tone in your clothing and add a single dash of color in an accessory...say, a day-glo orange belt or a bright blue bag.
All soft and comfy... we like it that way. I love thoses pictures and those cardi! thanks!
It's an awesome cardigan, for sure. I really hope someone is working on a pattern, I love that braid!
It reminded me of this shawl.
The stitch pattern needs to be shrunk though.
good find, kelly...it does indeed resemble that stitch! thanks for sharing :)
I really like these chunky but lacy knits that are getting designed right now. Perfect for spring.
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