they aren't the bees knees
but they are all mine
one backward "C" scar from mom's old station wagon
one banged up shinbone
shiny when shaven
remember bending and stretching and pedaling and praying
that i wouldn't catch a flu and have to barf standing up
sudden snap but not like a rubber band
a fiber unraveled
no food after midnight not even a tic tac
connect the dots that mark the spot
to run to jump to walk the dog to ride the bike to feel the joy
of one more run down ruthies
A perfect description - Hope the recovery is going well!
good luck today kate! i will be thinking about you! luc
Hi Kate!
Was just wondering how your knee was: I take it you had your reconstructive surgery today: hope all went well!
If it makes you feel better, I just read that women are 8 times more likely to tear an ACL than men (hormones, weak hamstrings, pointy tibias), so it happened just cos you are a girl!
A girl with great style, although that probably doesn't affect your knees...
Thinking of you.
have possitive thoughts,i am.
I've been thinking of you....remember, each day you'll heal, each day you'll be closer to enjoying all your joyful activities, each day an opportunity to reflect and be grateful for your healthy body!
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