
brake condom

mini brake cozy
Originally uploaded by hitbyabus.
i may have crossed a line here. now i am knitting for my car.

in an attempt to design a cozy for my stickshift, i ended up creating a condom for my emergency brake. (let's just say the initial design attempt wasn't quite bulbous enough.)

is this crazy? maybe.

maybe not. it's five below. your car goes dead. you're stuck in a blizzard. you lose a glove. with this handy emergency brake cozy, you're as warm and toasty as a grilled cheese sandwich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you knitted some sort of
rubber material on the inside
of the 'dome. Plastic "sweats."
Also, and perhaps more importantly, you'd hate to grab
the EMERGENCY brake and instead come away with a ball of knitted
yarn. Safety first, knitting second.

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