my feathers for the shaggi bag came the other day. they're very philip treacy. or vegas showgirl. i'm not sure which. although i'd love to evoke either one. or both. a couple of visitors have commented on the shagging technique for the cut loops. one technique is to simply snip them. but then you have to kind of lick your fingers and twirl the ends in between your fingers to make the blunt ends come to a nice point. another technique is to run the scissors on a diagonal along the strand of yarn, much as a hairdresser would do if he or she were doing a layer cut.
while searching for shaggy inspiration, i came across this shagadelic item on the wonderful andrea tung's blog--from a 2005 post no less! her shag technique involves knitting a base and then rug-hooking it with yarny bits. this might be worth exploring for shaggi. i like the idea of the sturdiness of a seed-stitch base for the bag. might even provide a bit more substance to plug these marvelous feathers into.
quote of the day
clothing only needs to keep you protected from the elements, past that what you do with it is your option.
~the sartorialist
1 comment:
Nice. Check out Plum d' Anny Blatt. they come on a thick string...I have them in blue. You can knit them along or rug hook them into the bags front side.
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