if you get a chance, check out the spring 2009 issue of knitscene mag for an article written by yours truly. what a kick to combine my three BFFs: knitting, writing and fashion! i'd love to hear your comments...that includes you lurkers...you know who you are!

How awesome, Kate! Must buy a copy now!
i'm already on it! showing all my friends...lookie here's my knitting buddy's article and i am so going to knit that vest, do you think it would work with a longer bodice?
I'm going to have to head out and pick up that magazine. Congrats on the publication.
congrats!! i am excited to check it out. :)
this is great! congratulations! i bought a copy over the weekend but haven't had the chance to read it yet... i will definitely do so now that i know you are in it! :)
I finally carved out the time to go and pick up a copy of the mag! I adore the article, the way you evoke a look makes one want to go right out and start knitting an item I would never have thought of knitting to begin with! Hope there are lots of more of these articles and perhaps they can assemble the look altogether on a real model?
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