purl soho sucks me in every time with their gratuitous yarn porn. i mean, just look at it. you know you want to squeeze those little pillowy buns of fiber, don't you? ok, well, i do. and get this promo copy from their eblast:
"ShibuiKnits's Merino Kid is a 55% kid mohair and 45% merino double-ply that's lightweight and lofty; snuggly and warm. Worked at 5 stitches per inch, Merino Kid's rich hand-dyed shades and fuzzy halo have a rustic chic you'll want to sport all winter long!
yes! yes! yes! i don't just want to sport it...i want to roll in it!
Hi! I knit a sweater in that yarn, and it was absolutely gorgeous to work with. The picture is just the tip of the iceberg!
Think that is bad you should try going to the store.
That is gorgeous yarn!
Beautiful yarn...and hilarious with the "yarn porn" :).
yes indeed it is yarn porn....but 14.50 a skein is alittle hard these days to swallow, but god i love looking at the colors!
oh my god! i take it back...its 20.50 a skein. I best look at my ONE SKEIN book for little projects. love that gorgeous teal.
i loooooooovvvvvvveeeeee shibui. we sell it at the yarn store i work at and between that, habu and cashmere, i haven't really been knitting with much else lately. :)
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